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Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Online Jobs - Is it for You?

You CAN Find New Online Jobs


Start Earning Money NOW!

I'm looking for new online jobs and here's why...

Hi. My name is Deb and my husband is Dave. I'm on a mission to make $1,000 on the Internet. Why, you ask. Well, Dave and I were talking about our finances last night. In this economy, it's not a pleasant subject. We, like many of you have had our salaries cut. We're working more hours for less money and having difficulty making ends meet.

Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY thankful that we are both employed; I simply wish we were still making the money we were making when we committed to buy a house and cars and the like. Right now, our income has decreased dramatically, but our obligations have remained steady.

So, as the conversation continued I said something like "there must be a way we can make money on the Internet" (please notice I said "we"). Dave's response was "good luck, let me know how that works for you". I didn't hear any "we" in that statement; so I knew I was on my own in this venture.

Well, that was all I needed to hear...It sounded like a challenge to me.

Now I'm on a mission. My mission is to make $1,000 on the Internet. To complete this I have to follow these simple rules:

  • I must work 40 hours each week at my full-time job.
  • I can only use resources available on the Internet.
  • All my sales and expenditures must be recorded through an Internet service (PayPal, Clickbank, etc.) so that we can track them, and
  • I must post all my expenditures and income.

That's it...sounds pretty simple doesn't it? Dave doesn't think I can do it. What do you think?

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