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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cool Stuff I've Found (and...It's FREE)!


I found a ton of stuff yesterday...

and the best part...

it's all FREE!
  1. The first thing I did was to sign up for a PayPal account. If you don't already have a PayPal account, you're going to need one. You can get your FREE PayPal account by clicking below.

    Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

  2. Then, I found Clickbank. You can join for FREE. They literally have thousands of items available for you to sell, and earn an affiliate commission on. You'll need a PayPal account to be paid your affiliat commission. Join now so you'll have your PayPal account information ready when you're signing up for clickbank. You can join them at There are many different sight out there that offer affiliate accounts. I went with Clickbank because they have so many different products and because they have been in business for so many years with and excellent reputation.

  3. Then I found what might be the best thing since sliced bread...squidoo. What's squidoo? It's a sight where you can post information on anything your little heart desires. They have GREAT tutorials. And, it's also FREE (as a matter of fact, you can earn money from them!). You can join them at

  4. The last thing I did was to join SEO Book. Once again this was FREE. They do have a paid program, but I'm going to use the free stuff as long as they'll let me. You can even get FREE tutorials emailed to you. Join and get FREE stuff by clicking here $300 in free SEO tools

As most of you know, I'm trying to earn $1.000 online. But I do have a couple of restrictions. One of the restrictions is that I can't spend a lot of money trying to make the goal of $1,000. This is what I've done so far without spending a dime.

  • I've gotten a FREE PayPal account (so I can collect my earnings)

  • I've joined Clickbank for FREE (so I can find something to sell)

  • I've created a FREE Squidoo account (so I have a way to get the word out about what I'm trying to sell)

  • I've created a FREE SEO Book account (so I can learn how to do all this)

Now I've got to get busy trying to make this work...I'll be back in touch with you in a couple of days.

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